Selling Tips for Real Estate in Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Steamboat Real Estate
A Modern Ski Area Home - First Impression is Everything

Price – Get it right the first time.
Every sellers want to sell for as much as possible. I completely understand, but many sellers fail to understand that a home that is overpriced, even just slightly, might not sell. In fact, if you price your home to high from the start, you’re going to get even less money when it eventually sells.
Buyers in your price range will notice your home is priced more than comparable sells causing your home to linger on the market. The next thing you know, you have to start chasing buyers with price reductions, but you’ve already lost out on the best buyers from the start. The first three weeks brings the most activity, so price your home right from the start!

First impression – Make it look it best.
First impressions are everything. Make sure the homes looks great in photos and video when selling real estaate. Take the time to do repairs that need it, touch up paint and paint over any color that isn’t neutral, wash your windows inside and out, and de-clutter every room especially the kitchen.
You need to showcase your home to as many buyers as possible, which means you need to also remove pets and their smells. Even if you can’t smell them, many people are highly sensitive to animals and they won’t even consider your home if you have pet dander everywhere.

Emotional attachment – Give them time to fall in love
Buying a home is very emotional. Give buyers the room and time to fall in love with the home and the city of Steamboat. Trust that a buyer can discover things on their own. They want to explore your home unabated, so let them. Accompanied showings are a very bad idea, so if possible, leave during all showings and let the buyers decide on their own if they like your home.

Negotiations are a 24/7 ordeal
The real estate market it still struggling. Buyers are in control. You don’t have to give your home away, but if you refuse to negotiate even with low offers you are making a big mistake. All offer are a good start, no matter how low it is. Many sellers fail to realize that the first offer is usually your best offer so keep negotiating until exhaustion.
When negotiating I always tell me sellers we can win if we play the game. We need to get the most money possible, but we also need to actually sell the home. In order to do that, it’s important to take every buyer serious. I always inform my sellers to counter back, even if it’s at full price. Many buyers in this market are out to test sellers. If you’re unreasonable and reject offers, you’ll never know just how much you can get a buyer to come up in price. Trust me, many times you get more than you thought if you just play the game.

—For more on this topic or questions regarding Steamboat Springs real estate in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, feel free to call Charlie at 970-846-6435 or write me an email at:

