Have ever wondered what it’s like to be a police officer in our city? How about what it takes to pilot a snow plow or Steamboat Springs Transit bus? What factors go into planning for future community growth? Or do you have the determination to go into a smoke filled building completely in the dark?
The City of Steamboat Springs is pleased to bring you the 4th installment of City 101! This is a series of 8 full day sessions combining field trips, forums and interactive activities, that offers in-depth insights into city operations, straight from the individuals responsible for them day-in and day-out. A combination of City employees and community members will be selected to participate in the program which aims to:
– create a shared understanding of the city’s mission and purpose
– increase community member and employee understanding of the city and its operations
– enhance community member and employee ability to serve as ambassadors for the city
City 101 takes place on select Wednesdays between January and June, typically from 8:30am to 3:30pm with lunch provided.
If you are interested in participating, applications must be submitted to City Hall by December 12th! Click here for applications and further information.
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