Income Data for Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Residents of Steamboat Springs, Colorado were in the 91 percentile nationally of adjusted gross income in 2011. However, you don’t have to be rich to live in Steamboat Springs. We have 97 properties within Steamboat priced under $300,000. Steamboat Springs real estate values range broadly, and so too does the income of Routt county.
In an article in the Steamboat Today by data analyst, Scott Ford, individual income data is showing some interesting trends. Data was released by various government entities based on our annual IRS tax returns and the latest census of 2011 and sheds light on the health of our local economy.
To simplify the report, residents of Steamboat Springs, Colorado were in the 91% nationally of adjusted gross income. While the outlying areas in Routt County were in the 60-70% range. Compared to just Colorado, Routt County ranked 7th in per capita income. The last two census’ reported Routt County as 10th. To me, this upward trend indicates overall we adjusted well to the economic downturn.
40% of the households had income between $501,001 and 100,000. 22% had income between $25,001 and $50,000. Those were the two largest percentiles with just 4% making more than $200,000. Keep in mind, the 2nd home owners and part-year residents probably don’t report their taxes here.
We continue to be a fairly affluent region not only in Colorado but in the nation for a reason. I believe areas like Steamboat Springs, Boulder, and Aspen become the places they are because of the lifestyle and what the natural geography offer. People want to live and work in beautiful places with great recreational opportunities. That oversimplifies things a bit because there are many economic factors associated with growth but there definitely is one common denominator – lifestyle.
Steamboat Springs, Colorado continues to offer great recreational opportunities, has great neighborhoods, friendly people, an abundance of arts and culture, and is surrounded by beauty every day. Who wouldn’t want to work and play here?
Enjoy the day,
970-846-6435 |
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