December was a good month for Real Estate in Routt county. Total dollar volume was $78.5M compared to $73.73M last year – up 6.48%. There were 13 residential transactions over $1M. Total transactions were 119, down from 126 last December. We ended the year with total sales of $867,253,468 – up 7.18% from $809,183,833 in 2017. Total transactions for the year were down -8.15% with 1,477 compared to 1,608 in 2017. These overall numbers are in line with the general idea of less inventory and higher prices.
Some highlights:
- YTD Average Residential price is $686,781 up from $592,745 in 2017
- YTD Average Residential price per square foot $350 up from $317 in 2017
- YTD Gross volume +7.18%
- YTD Transactions -8.15%
- There were 7 New Unit Sales in December with 4 of those being new homes in the Sunlight Subdivision
- Local buyers made up 51% of sales in December in Routt county. We ended the year at 52% of all sales being local – great for a resort town! This truly speaks to our sense of community in the Yampa Valley.
- There were a total of 127 loans in December with 56% of purchasers closing with financing at the time of sale while 44% closed with cash. There were 62 refinance transactions.
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