World Cup Telemark Races in Steamboat Springs.

Last week Steamboat Springs hosted the best telemark ski racers in the world for 5 races in 6 days. These are the fastest racers from all over the world. And it just so happens the this realtor from Steamboat happens to be a decent telemark skier as well. I know, I’m old but I’m still fast. And no, there’s not a senior division. I compete against guys half my age. Below are some pictures and link to some videos.

It was a good week for me. I placed 16th, 13th, 10th, and two 9th places. I was the fastest American male that week. No it’s back to work. Hey, check out my new listing I brought on last week while racing.

Here’s some footage. You can see me at: :31 / :38 / :54 seconds

Telemark World Cup Race Steamboat CO from Fox Cape Productions on Vimeo.

Video of dual racing from the night event.

Here’s more information and results.   And more results. 

Here’s a Denver Post article. 

Here’s some video and pictures from Steamboat World Cups.



telemark racing
telemark racing
smartwool telemark world cups
smartwool telemark world cups
Charlie telemark racing to 9th
Charlie telemark racing to 9th