Free Pass for Families of 4th Graders into National Park
Do you have a 4th grader this 2015/16 school year? If so, your family is eligible for a FREE pass to our nation’s outstanding National Parks!
The program is part of the “Every Kid in a Park” initiative, an administrative-wide effort among the National Park Service, Forest Service, Dept. of Education, Fish & Wildlife Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and others, to get all children to visit and enjoy the outdoors and inspire a new generation of Americans to experience their country’s unrivaled public lands and waters.
As of September 1st, every fourth-grader in the nation will receive an “Every Kid in a Park” pass that’s good for free admission — for them and their families — to all of America’s federal lands and waters for a full year. Students just need to sign up online and they will then get a voucher that grants entrance to the student and a carload of passengers to federal recreation areas for one year.
If you have ever wanted to visit America’s natural wonders and historic sites, this is a good time to do it. 4th graders, click here to register for your free parks pass. There are also tips on the website to help your family plan a trip to a National Park. Which park are most excited to visit first?
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